made for more curious people

Made bij Godefridus Bendijk (1948).

I finished the School for Grafic Technics and the Art Academy for monumental studies in Utrecht in the sixties. I worked as Creatif Therapist and trainer in a health care institute. There I was given the possibility and the means to start a new Communication Department and devellopped photo and film/video projects.

After that I focussed on Grafic Designing combined with painting, drawing and New-Art in forms and designs.

Some of my so called Industrial home/kitchen Designs can be found in this website.


Informatio about recent work and developments.


Metal plate is a difficult material for small objects. It requires force and power molding it in a precise form. For some of the projects I used a basis dimension of 10 by 10 cm. This restriction offers a certain way of 'freedom'.


Working out one thing often results in finding new aspects.By adding LED lights in the newly shaped steel plates, offersextra surprising effects.


Whenever I have the urge to start creating something, I usually pick up painting first. Recently I prefer in color and specifically.

Lakenvelder collection


Variously and different materials uses in experiments and functional designs.

Videos micellaneous